It is the fourth flick Directed by Christopher Nolan in which Christian Bale has played the lead role and it was as awesome as last three (“Batman I & II and “The Prestige”). This movie is not really as exceptional as Christopher Nolan’s other trend setter creations like “Inception” or “The Prestige”, but definitely it is just more than good for being descendent of first two Batman movies “The Batman Begins” and “The Dark Knight Rises”.
The Dark Knight Rises
Just like previous Batman movies, here also it is a great battle between “good” and “bad”, and ultimately it is win of “good” over bad. So if you will go to see the movie with some great expectations of story and suspense, it will be the disappointment for you. The story has got nothing fancy but you will of-course feel the touch of Christopher Nolan in each and every aspect/moment of the movie. Whether it is Bruce Wayne’s release from prison in climax or the way Alfred is departing from Bruce or the belief Batman/Bruce shows in Selina even after she betrayed him or the character of Ben and Miranda who rise from the prison and tries to bury the city of “Gotham” for unjustified reasons, all are just portrayed perfect by the creator.
The Dark Knight Rises
Being fan of Christian Bale, I of-course like the dual character of Batman and Bruce Wayne he played again successfully, however the surprise here was the character of Selina played greatly by Anne Hathaway. Gary Oldman as Commissioner Gordon and Joseph Gordon Levitt as Blake (who actually ended being “Robin”) did really acted exceptionally well in their positive roles. The negative side also is well balanced by Tom Hardy as Bane and Marion Cottilard as Miranda Tate. Other characters were also crafted just picture perfect as always like Morgan Freeman as Mr. Fox and Michael Caine as Alfred.
Must see movie if you are calling yourself anything close to “fan” of Hollywood movies. Maybe the movie has got no repeat value considering the straight forward storyline and length of over two and half hours but still if are a real fan of any of the big names like Christopher Nolan, Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway or any other actor, I can bet you are going to see this flick again.